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WORKSHOP with Kira Kirsch

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WORKSHOP with Kira Kirsch

Von 1.000,00 NOK



09. Juli 2017, 12:30 Uhr - 13. Juli 2017, 15:00 Uhr


Dates: 9-13 July
Price: 1200 NOK ( 1000 NOK for artists, students and Scenekunst Sør members)
Drop in: 250 NOK
Time: 12.30-15.00

Where: Gym Hall at Kvadraturen Skolesenter - Tollbodgata 75

SHIFTING PERSPECTIVES - Internal dynamics & body mapping

One of the key feature of the axis syllabus and probably its most remarkable tool is to be able to slice a moment and dissect a movement in order to understand individual alignment of joints, pathways and sequence of body parts, transitions and the kinetic logic of the movement.

In this workshop we will use and practice terminology such as planes and axis, range of motion (ROM), distal vs proximal or rotation vs translation among others. We will practice a reference system that is able to describe internal orientation as we move, allowing for shifting off the vertical orientation and opening a wider spectrum of directions and possible relationships. As in all Axis Syllabus classes, the objective is always to build more awareness and skills in analysis and self-monitoring movement choices and to reach further both physically and intellectually into what is so complex as 3D dynamic coordination.


Kira Kirsch is a movement artist born in East-Berlin and after many years of nomadism and living abroad she is now returning with her family to Berlin as new residents of Lake Studios - an artist run dance, production and performance place.

She is deeply invested into creating, questioning and improving spaces for people to experience,learn about and sensitize their mind-body-movement continuum. She has pioneered, taught and continuously researched through the lens of the Axis Syllabus (AS) for over a decade. She has taught at TseKH-Moscow Impulstanz-Vienna, TQW-Vienna, Transformation, 303-Montreal , SEAD among many other institutions, festivals and private initiatives. Kira has developed a reputation for being an inspiring and sensitive teacher.

As a performer she has danced in the works of David Szlasa (US), Sara Shelton Mann (US), Avy K. Productions (RU), Christine Bonansea (US/FR), Half Machine (DK), ABCdance collective/Frey Faust, Cie. Anna Tenta (AT) and in numerous collaborations with her peers. In 2009 she started collaborating with Montrealer Kelly Keenan and their creations "species - a moving body exposition" and "useless creatures" have been presented in the US, Canada and Austria.


Ravnedans: www.ravnedans.com


Ravnedans has been organized every year since it's launch in 2010 as the first contemporary dance festival in the South of Norway.


Teateret, Kongens gate 2, 4610 Kristiansand


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