Winter Solstice Ceremony: ‘Liquid Cosmos’ + ´Beehive Cluster´
Winter Solstice Ceremony: ‘Liquid Cosmos’ + ´Beehive Cluster´
Från 350,00 NOK
Invisibledrum invites you to join this year's Winter Solstice Ceremony on the 21st of December.
The gathering is happening within the framework of Kunsthall Trondheim’s interdisciplinary focus on bringing artistic perspectives to criticize understandings of nature, gender, sexuality, and race.
Invisibledrum is honored to invite Marina Sans to guide us into a cellular dance workshop in water. ‘Liquid Cosmos’ is a somatic practice for aquatic bodywork that explores the interconnectedness of the element Water through body awareness and watery embodiment. Invisibledrum will create the ritual and sound performance “Beehive Cluster“ specially for this occasion. The event will take place at Pirbadet in Trondheim. Earlier in the day we will hold space for a fire circle gathering and water offering at Korsvika Beach, everyone is welcome!
The concept of ‘bodies of waters’ refers to the idea that human and non-human bodies are entangled in the movements of Water that create and sustain life in our ecosystems, on micro and macro levels. The movements and rhythms of our bodies take part in wider planetary and cosmic movements too, and they are affected by them. Acknowledging Water as a living organism and a sentient being allows us to explore methodologies for reconnecting with our bodies as cosmic memory, and to the healing force of Water. By bringing our focus to Water, body, memory and temperature we may give birth to new conscious relationships with Body, Earth and Cosmos.
The Winter Solstice in the Nordic hemisphere is the darkest time of the year, when the sun is still for four days at the farthest distance from the Earth. Coming together immersed in the cellular cosmic dance we join in communion the deep waters. We gather to celebrate this rite of passage preparing for the stillness of the winter and welcoming the first sun of the cosmic wheel.
Invisibledrum investigates contemporary and interdisciplinary creative approaches to bodies and water that challenge the binaries between the terms `natural´ or ‘cultural´ by asking these questions: how does water transcend the individuality of our bodies? How can water bring balance to mind-body experience? On a collective, planetary level, how can we honor the relationship with water in a more intimate, profound way?
Invisibledrum is an international and transdisciplinary research platform investigating animism and spiritual technologies within the field of arts and social-ecological systems. The platform welcomes artists and researchers from transdisciplinary fields of knowledge, exploring liminal spaces where sound & performance art meet ecology, ethnobotany, herbalism, technology, embodied knowledge, healing practices, psychology, anthropology, and speculative design, amongst other disciplines.
Pirbadet, Trondheim, 7010 Trondheim
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Winter Solstice Ceremony: ‘Liquid Cosmos’ + ´Beehive Cluster´
Från 350,00 NOK