Från 0,00 NOK
We've been through:
floods, break-ins, the craziest parties with djs you cannot count on one hand in the same night, magic shows, burlesque events, mardi gras, october fests, halloweens, candy wars, birthday parties, wedding parties, arguments and fall outs, bonding and make ups, refurbishments, redecorations... and the list goes on. You name it.
But most importantly, it's been three years of music. So we thought, what best thing to do, than organise a day with some of the artists that have supported us and graced us with their presence the most, together with some of the finest djs?
The party will start early and go on all night. No reservations will be made, as we want all of you to just drop in and hang out with us as much as you like, as you would at a friend's house. Because you are our friends, and we would like to thank you for your love and support.
17.00: The Swingville Bros
17.40: The Beat Tornados
18.20: Rio Bravo
18.50: DJ Boppin' Lucy
19.20: Victor Lorentzen: Stand up comedy + acoustic gig
19.45: Geir Rudd w/ his banjo
20.00:Big Truck
20:45: DJ
21:15: Brokeland Bullets
22.15: DJ Anders Lyngen
22:30: CAKE TIME!!!
22.45: Fat Fred & the Possumhunters
23:45: DJ Northern Kid
Make sure to come early, the show will start at 17:00!
Related Links:
Smelteverket-Mathallen 3rd Anniversary
“Customer Appreciation Night”.By Dimitri Yogaratnam, Owner and General Manager of Smelteverket
3 years and we’re standing tall.The challenges of opening a restaurant are well known. High risk, low profits, long working hours, high employee turnover, and the list goes on. When I first decided to enter into the industry, I wanted to minimize the known risks. Jan Vardøen invited me to join his project in the basement of the exciting new concept Mathallen. Partnered up with one of Norway’s most successful restaurateurs in a location that was forecasted as being Oslo’s new “it” spot. What could possibly go wrong?
The Start:
Smelteverket opened in October 2012 along with Mathallen, in Akerselva’s old train factory location. The Vulkan area had a huge success in those first months. Then summer hit. Sales dropped down 90% at Smelteverket and we were struggling to pay our bills. The struggle continued in Mathallen and the Vulkan area, as was well publicized in the media. In addition to the sales reduction in the area, our beautiful river view ended up being a bit of an ongoing curse. The river flooded Smelteverket 7 times in 1 year, causing it to close down operations 3 times. Getting my “feet wet” in the restaurant industry had a disappointingly literal definition for me.
The Fall :
Shops started closing, and the energy around the area seemed to hit an all time low in the summer of 2014. A series of robberies soon followed causing 1000’s of NOK of damage to Smelteverket, a hit the restaurant just couldn’t handle. In light of all of this, and other commitments, mr. Vardøen, with reluctance, needed to exit the project at Mathallen. He then sold his shares to Steffen Mussche-Johansen, an old friend of ours.
The Turning Point:
The induction of Mussche in the fall of 2014, brought new life and energy to the project, with new ideas and a fresh start for Smelteverket. Since then there have been a lot of changes at Smelteverket. We have a new live stage which hosts events almost every night of the week. From concerts, to stand-up comedy, film nights, and quizzes; we have filled every day of the week with content for locals. We have radically updated our menu. We now serve gastro-pub tapas, the inspiration from which we gathered from our travels around the world. People come to Smelteverket to be social and have a good time. We designed a menu that enhances that experience. Our beer selection is ever changing and always wide. We support local breweries, but also explore flavors and styles from other parts of the world. We have a great Whisky and Rum selection and our cocktails are expertly executed and delicious.
Over the past year Smelteverket has really come into it’s own. We specialize in creating a great customer experience, and we will always adapt our concept to ensure that customers can always expect fun events and happenings at our venue.
The Celebration:Our 3rd year anniversary may seem like an odd year to have such a big celebration, but after all we have been through, we have a lot to be grateful for. This is more of a “customer appreciation” party, than anything else. Our many musical friends who have helped us along the way and helped make Smelteverket what it is today, are all coming together to celebrate that we are still here.
Keep an eye on the weather, October is rainy season and we are in danger of flooding, but that probably just means you’ll have to bring your boots #aintnostoppingsmelteverket.
Smelteverket, Maridalsveien 17 A, 0178 Oslo
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