The Tasting Tour - Turist i Egen By
The Tasting Tour - Turist i Egen By
Från 149,00 NOK
The Tasting Tour
Five different eateries in Mathallen will serve you a tasty snack-sized appetizer*, and you can move from one place to the next - tasting your way through Mathallen.
Show your ticket in the bar at Torget to get The Tasting Tour map with meal vouchers.
You can start the tour at any time you like between 16:00 and 18:00, but the meal vouchers must be used before 19:00. You decide if you want to race through the tour in 15 minutes (for the very hungry) or if you want to spend the full three hours taking your time and easing into the atmosphere in Mathallen.
Bring your friends and get ready for tasty snack attack!
*Drinks are not included. Tickets are limited.
1.Pick a place to start your Tasting Tour. You can choose from our five venues as featured on the map. There is no set route, you decide the order of your visits, but it might be a good idea to…
2.…check out the line before you decide. If it’s really long and there aren’t any free tables, maybe you can eat at one of the other venues first.
3.Grab a seat or hang out by the bar The venues vary in size and how many seats they can reserve for tour-ists. Look for the tables reserved “The Tasting Tour”. If the smaller venues are crowded, you can bring your snack and sit at the tables in the food court Torget. Please keep in mind that we all have separate drinking licenses, so you can’t bring drinks from one place to another.
4.Show this flyer to the staff to get your snack. Remember that we are serving a great number of tour-ists today and we always aim to serve food as fresh as possible. A little waiting time is in other words a sign of quality. Use the time to compliment your friend or talk to the people on the next table or post awesome food pics on Instagram.
5.Get your stamp Please help our staff make sure we get everyone’s vouchers stamped. If we forget to give you a stamp, you can cheat us for another snack. Meaning someone doesn’t get theirs. And that’s not fair. Be nice. Please!
6.Enjoy spending quality time with quality people eating quality food & drinking quality beverages in quality places
7.Repeat x 4
8.Like what you eat? Sharing is caring, and we’ll be really grateful for all the SoMe-love we can get. Like us at facebook, follow us at Instagram, join our newsletter, tag your pics with #mathallen #thetastingtour, check in etc.
Mathallen Oslo, Vulkan 5, 0178 Oslo
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The Tasting Tour - Turist i Egen By
Från 149,00 NOK