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Hot Glass Lessons / Kurs i glassblåsing

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Hot Glass Lessons / Kurs i glassblåsing

Från 1.427,00 NOK



12 mar 2022 15:00 - 18:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Boka tryggt med oss: Billetto garanterar återbetalning vid inställda event. Läs mer
Betalningsmetoder accepteras:


(Norwegian text below)

Come experience what its like to shape liquid hot glass with the help of our professional glass artist instructor. You are welcome to take just one but we recommend at least 4 for developing advanced techniques like blown glass. 

These classes are offered for two students at a time as teamwork is an important component. The first class will take you through basic techniques and safe use of the studio, while making objects that you will get to keep as you learn. (you may purchase both tickets if you prefer a solo lesson)

All glassworks made are available to pickup the following week during our opening hours: Wed-Sun 12- 4pm. (we are unfortunately not able to ship the finished pieces).

* Please note that courses are currently taught in English

Health and Safety:

Please note that you will need to wear natural fiber clothing (no synthetics) and close-toed shoes (no sandals) and bring a water bottle. Clear safety glasses are available to borrow (your own prescription glasses are OK as well). While most of the work is lightweight, students should be able to lift at least 5 Kilos and work in temperatures around 30 degrees during the class. Please let us know if you have any health concerns and we will do what we can to accommodate.

Cancellation: We are able to refund for a canceled class if you notify us at least one week before your start time. Please note that in accordance with COVID-19 safety requirements, we follow our regional guidelines for public gatherings. If we have to cancel a session, we will reach out to you to find an alternative date.

Sign up for courses and experience what it is like to shape liquid hot glass with the help of our professional teacher and glass artist. You can take just one, but we recommend booking at least four hours to better master the various skills you need to blow and shape the glass into beautiful objects, which you will of course bring home afterwards. 

The classes are offered for two participants at a time as cooperation is also an important factor in glassblowing. The first day of the course will give an introduction to basic techniques and safe use of the studio, while at the same time creating your first small objects. It is possible to buy both tickets for this session if you prefer a private lesson. All items made on the course must reach room temperature in their own so-called relaxation oven, and can be picked up the week after you have been on the course during our opening hours between Wednesdays and Sundays from 12 to 16 (we can unfortunately not send the work by post or courier). 

NOTE: Please note that courses are currently taught in English.

Health and safety: 

Please note that you must wear natural fiber clothing (ie no synthetic fabrics such as lycra or polyester) and tight shoes (not sandals). We also recommend that you bring a water bottle. You can borrow clear safety glasses, but if you use regular glasses, these are also perfectly ok. While most of the work is light, participants must be able to lift at least 5 kilos and work in temperatures around 30 degrees during the hour. Let us know if you have any health issues and we will do what we can to address them. 

Cancellation: We only give a refund for canceled course hours if you notify us at least one week in advance. We follow at all times all national and regional guidelines for public gatherings in connection with the Covid pandemic. Therefore, if we have to cancel a course, we will contact you immediately to find an alternative date.


S12 is a studio and gallery space working to share a diversity of artists and techniques in the material of glass. 


S12, Bontelabo 2, 5003 Bergen

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Eventet är avslutat

Hot Glass Lessons / Kurs i glassblåsing

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