'Bliss Conscious Clubbing' in Oslo at brand new venue!
'Bliss Conscious Clubbing' in Oslo at brand new venue!
Från 250,00 NOK
'Bliss Conscious Clubbing in Oslo' with Guy ‘ Bliss Awakening Dance & DJ Erik begins at brand new venue
Kundalini Yoga skolen AS, Professor Dahls gate 30, 0260 Oslo, Norway
Bliss is a barefoot conscious dance club, an alcohol, drug and smoke free ‘Urban Oasis’, where you are invited to set yourself free on the dance, with great music and wonder-full company, in a warm and enriching environment. It truly is an awesome night out!
Cost 300 Nok (250 Nok for low income / students)
(I’ll make a post on fb to let you know if there are any spaces left to buy ticket on the door nearer the event, but why wait, BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!)
Bliss is more than a club, it is a ‘state’ of Heart, a gathering space for Like Hearted Beings to hang out and celebrate Existence, inviting us to Be in a state of Being from which Love pours out through all our expressions, where deep connections are easily made, Joy naturally happens…
Together as a dancing Heart open conscious community, we birth a Love Tribe, restoring faith in Human Kindness, feeling warmed by our togetherness...
Our Bliss Party on Sat 26th Feb 2016 is in celebration of our unity, our togetherness, our Humanity, our capacity to share, connect, co-operate and create. We gather as a Heart Tribe to dance our Love, to move in freedom, to meet in Joy, to be restored by the music and good company open to fully live and dance your dance…
*Arrive 19:30
*20:00 – 21:00 mini ‘Bliss Awakening Dance’ workshop with Guy Barrington (UK). Guy will open the event by warming us up with “Bliss Awakening Dance”, to release any stress, open us, energize and arouse us as a dancing community, connecting us as a Love Tribe, bringing us to the deep safe Mystery of Darkness and Light Brightness of Joy and Love...
*21:00 DJ Erik who will be playing his uplifting vibrant tunes for us
* There is the ‘BLISS CAFE’ will be serving its delicious treats…
* A ‘CHILL OUT LOVE LOUNGE’ offers a space of relaxation and Heart Tribe connection…
* The ‘BLISS LOVE TEMPLE’ invites you to receive nurturing and inspired Presence…
* There will be a ‘BLISS HEALING SANCTUARY’ with some Healing/Massage treatments …
*There will be a ‘H-Art’ corner to express yourself…
And, a whole Tribe of Lovely people to celebrate with!
*If you’d like to be a ‘BLISS ANGEL’ and help set up the space or a ‘LOVE ANGEL’ and bring some nurturing to the space…
*if you have any crafts, artwork, textiles or fair trade product you would like to sell at the mini ‘BLISS MARKET’.
*if you are a Therapist / Healer and would like to offer short treatments of Massage, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Reiki, Indian Head massage or something beautiful and nourishing as part of ‘THE BLISS HEALING SANCTUARY’
*or if you are a PROMOTER and have ways to make this event more known through social media or flyers.
If you want to find out about other Bliss events please join “BLISS CONSCIOUS CLUBBING NORWAY” fb group;
This will be a night to remember, an invitation and opportunity to dance like never before!
looking forwards to see you here in Bliss!!
with Love, Bliss & hug from Guy
“This evening was the most amazing, magical and joyous time I have ever experienced! All the loving, kind souls created an atmosphere of warmth, joy and bliss - an emotional breathing space that was very much felt by myself both mentally and physically.
The positive messages on the dance floor was fantastic - the dance exercises aswell. I had rewarding conversations and meetings with new people and went outside my comfort zone by taking part in the "walk around and hug someone and caress their cheek" part - I hesitated and didn't join at first but soon I joined anyway and it was such a wonderful feeling to be welcomed with open arms!
Bliss is for me a microcosm for what the world could be like. This was the first time I came here and I will be here again.
My deepest gratitude goes out to everyone who was involved in making this event a reality.See you next time!” Daniel X Bure
“What an awesome party, so much joy, and love in the air created by everyone in this environment…” Fredrik Martinsson
“Thanks Guy for that you create this wonderful space to meet friends, and friends you didn´t know there are. Thanks also all volunteers who made the event possible. It is such a place to open up to be myself even more. I am so grateful for meeting so many openhearted friends yesterday evening.” Sten Carlberg
“Thank you so very much. I'm still smiling...” Daniela Dahl
Guy Barrington, the Creative Director/
For more info on his Work with THE DANCING HEART PATH – MODERN MYSTERY SCHOOL & FACILITATOR TRAINING please go to the fb group page at;
or to read more on his Work and Vision go to "Guyde Books" at;
or look at youtube/
*Some photos and video may be taken during the evening for publicity for BLISS
Kundalini Yoga skolen AS, Professor Dahls gate 30, 0260 Oslo
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'Bliss Conscious Clubbing' in Oslo at brand new venue!
Från 250,00 NOK