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Från Gratis



1 feb 2016 00:00 - 14 feb 2016 00:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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2nd. International balloon and paramotor Festival

1-14 February 2016

in Basra, Najaf, Karbala & Babylon


The idea of our project is to show that you can overcome any conflict peacefully, found a number of common values, which are for many people a lot more important than cultural or historical antagonisms.

Once again, we decided to gather a group of pilots, this time from all over the world, who in this difficult and clearly busy time, across cultures, irrespective of differing political beliefs, philosophical or religious, they decided to leave for Iraq to fly there together the cradle of civilization, in a mythicalplace where, according to many stories and beliefs of our common ancestors lived - Adam and Eve. People who God confused the languages in Babylon, come back again to this place, to speak with single, unified voice.

The pilots, who were invited to participate in this event, people with unusual characters, aware of the importance of this event, which combines one big, common need - in dire need of freedom. We believe that the integration of our environment - balloon pilots, paramotor pilots, skydivers may be the beginning of an extraordinary process of many positive changes.

The aim of the event is to break the negative image of Iraq clearly pumped by the media associated almost exclusively with terrorism and armed conflict, is to break the antagonism of civilizations. We want to show the true, natural Iraq, with its extraordinary history and culture, not only the one associated with blood and violence. We want to show that people from different cultures, with different views and beliefs, it is not so difficult to find common values and common goals. And that, above all,extremely valuable to all of us is freedom.

The expedition will have a strong media coverage. Among other things, we will be accompanied by a film crew from Sweden produces almost 2 hour film for the BBC World expedition. The press has already shown a lot of interest in the Event.


Our stay will focus on the southern part of Iraq, in the mythical Mesopotamia, where we will be able to visit some of the most famous and attractive places in the world, touching history dating back nearly 5,000 years BC. We plan to jointly flying over ancient Babylon, the areas considered to be the biblical Garden of Eden, the unusual backwaters and marshes near Basra.


The organizer of the trip is the Government of Iraq,

Our man in Iraq is Murtada Younis, a government employee, Murtada spent several years in England, after his return to Iraq, he decided to change his country's image in the media. This is an extremely difficult task, when you have a closer acquaintance decided to help him. .


Just as Iraq is not the safest place in the world, so it is not just flying the safest activity under the sun.

It is well known to us the impression that Iraq lurk at every turn terrorists intending to blow up anyone who does not have a beard and a turban on his head. A group from Euroe flew there last year, landing both in the wildand populated area, far away from the landing field without the assistance of the military in paramotor or balloons. After landing hundreds of friendly people always tried to help them, and in spite of insecurity, imported mainly in Europe, none of them, nothing happened. There were approx. 50 people from different places in the world, above all those who value freedom and the freedom of flying. quietly "on the town", see, touch, taste - it happened that they went back laden with food networks, for which no one wanted to take the money from us, grateful, proud to seat us.

It is obvious that in Iraq the phenomenon of terrorism, but it is difficult to say clearly who is behind it and who winds up. Iraq, however, is not the same thing as terrorism, Iraq has the same problems with the phenomenon of terrorism as Europe.

Probably as long as the oil in Iraq will, so long as this country will be exposed to try to homesteading.Attempts to both official and unofficial armed, out of the closet, under the pretext of religious conflicts,cultural antagonisms, pumped terrorism or a number of other manipulation. The curse of this country became its wealth. And even more accurately - the people who want to have it only for themselves.

On the question of whether Iraq is safe to answer - as in Ukraine. There are quite big, safe places where you do not feel any tension, as well as inflamed places where the power is in the air. When we left to visit the old monuments of ancient cultures, or simply moved around constantly from place to place, almost always accompanied us to assist the regular army or secret security services, but never felt a direct threat from people encountered on the streets.

We flew in the legendary Mesopotamia, Babylon, which is considered the cradle of civilization. Everything indicates that, apart from combat helicopters, we were the first who could shoot and watch these amazing places from the air. This time, in addition to Babylon will fly on a magical land, which is considered the biblical paradise, the place where Adam and Eve lived.


$2000 pp
It includes everything such as airline tickets, transport , hotels, meals, car rental, traveling in Iraq, care services, guides, permits or approvals for flights and a number of additional and hidden matters provided buy the Iraqi government.

the trip will start from Copenhagen Airport or Franfurt


For many people involved in flying over Babylon last year it was the adventure of a lifetime. It's a completely different part of the world, different mentality, and so a number of other sensations and emotions. Trips to exotic countries generate difficulties, flying in them generate even more difficult, but it does not mean that it is not impossible.
flying guarantees extraordinary adventure.


Expedition participant becomes the person who sent the email to the following set of documentsmurtada.shemran@gmail.com

The deadline for sending documents 30. I2. 2015. Later, the organization will be difficult for visa.

1.Copy of identity

2.Copy of passport

3.Short information:



Date of birth

Passport number






MURTADA YOUNIS - Governorate of babylon

TEL 00 96 47 704 306 169 Murtada.shemran@gmail.com



babylon resort, Bābil, EC2 babylon

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