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Bubble Bar #8 - Zen: The Art of Growth

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Bubble Bar #8 - Zen: The Art of Growth

Fra 0,00 NOK



13. November 2015, 18:00 - 20:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Bubble Bar #8 - Zen: The Art of Growth

After the last Bubble Bar with crazy foreigners and tequila shots we are returning with three members of the local community to talk about growth. How do you commercialize your ideas? How do you find product-market-fit? How do you capitalize on your user base and turn user growth into revenue growth? How is personal growth related to the growth of the company? How do unicorns ride the rollercoaster?
We’ll try to find answers to all these questions with our guests on the 13th of Friday at MESH.

Guest #1 - LJ Bjørkevoll, Chief Commercial Officer of Xeneta
LJ is a highly passionate growth executive currently working as the CCO of the Oslo based shipping business intelligence startup, Xeneta. He's founded more than a handful businesses in the past 15 years, and have had a leading role in scaling several national and international companies, among others the most known the Swedish success story, Mediaplanet.
LJ also runs one of Norway's largest initiatives within Eastern practises such as meditation, Tai chi and Qigong. He believes cultivating the mind is a necessity to establish the grit and emotional endurance crucial for entrepreneurial life style.
Growth in business and personal growth is dependent of each other in LJ's view which always opens up for interesting discussions.

Guest #2: Johan Brand, co-founder of Kahoot! the fast growing ed-tech startup hailing from the Trondheim-London-Oslo axis. Kahoot! is growing fast, with offices around the world including Austin, London, Sydney and the Philippines. Johan is also the initiator of Nordic Connection, the bridge for startups between Norway and the UK.

Guest #3: Lauga Oskarsdottir - Co-founder and Chief Influencer Officer of United Influencers (formerly United Bloggers).
Lauga started United Influencers, a digital content marketing agency working exclusively with over 200 influencers like Zlatan, Messi, Mikael Persbrandt and Blondinbella. The company is expanding fast and currently has offices in Oslo, Stockholm, Malmø, Kiev and Helsinki. Lauga also co-founded the Icelandic software company Mesher, a size recommendation software and ecommerce company.

Guest #4: Ingrid Ødegaard is the co-founder & product marketing manager of appear.in, a super-easy video conferencing service. She has been part of taking the service from a shaky prototype into a global service that have spread organically to most countries in the world (even North-Korea!). Experimentation is part of her workday, testing out marketing channels ranging from Snapchat, Instagram, community building, co-branding partnerships, and guerilla marketing.


Bubble Bar is a relaxed monthly Friday afterwork event for the startup community in Oslo. We are gathering some trouble-starters in a casual format where we can discuss the glorious ups and the miserable downs of startup-life.
There’ll be tough questions, honest confessions, annoying buzzwords, hot trends, boring fads, bubbly beverages and tons of fun. We’ll try to wrap all these into an entertaining talk-show format and bring the founder stories close to you.

Bubble what?

*Bubble: There’s no angry way to say ‘bubbles’ (we know you tried).

*Bar: You know the deal. There’s no such a thing as bad beer. At least not around here.

Let’s grab a cold one and have fun together!
Sincerely, the producers and hosts:
- Kriszti Tóth (co-founder, MESH)
- Vilhelm K. Vardøy (co-founder, Xeneta)
- Adam Scheuring (co-founder, Loop Health)

PS: This bubble will never burst!



MESH, Tordenskiolds gate 3, 0160 Oslo

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Bubble Bar #8 - Zen: The Art of Growth

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