Pussy Power ~Weekend retreat for women
Pussy Power ~Weekend retreat for women
Fra NOK 1.888,00
Dear Woman
The source to your power lies within your pelvic floor, yet so many women live life disconnected from this place.
Sharing stories, holding space & a passing down of wisdom, there is nothing more healing than being in a group of honest sisters that truly see & accept you. In a period of history where we live more separately than ever, the ritual of coming together is one that we must not underestimate. In our experience, it is something most women crave but most aren't aware of. When we get a taste of it, we wonder how we ever survived without it.
We have been shamed for thousands of years, and female sexuality has been suppressed in religions, and other areas of life.
It is THE MOST used tool in commercials and giving women a fake picture of women`s body and sexual expression.
This have resulted in a disconnection to the true source of your power:
Your Pussy.
The time has come to reclaim the power and fully land into your pelvic bowl.
This is the place where we source our creative power and give birth to life, ourselves and our projects.
This is the source of power that fuels us to live a fearless turned on life where we manifest our desires and stand steady in our power.♡The awakened pussy will magnetize your wildest dreams into your life.
This is the power of your pussy. That is also why female sexuality has been mis-used and shamed for so many years, because it is the most powerful energy on the planet.
The birther of life.
The Channel between the Divine and Earthly Plane.
Woman–you are magical and awesome!
It is time to live the full magnificence of your being in this lifetime.
No more excuses.
No more playing small.
This is YOUR time.And it starts in reclaiming the power in your pussy. The portal to all of life.Rebirth yourself into who you came here to be.
Not your personal story.
Not your pain.
YOUR Soul essence.
Your authentic expression.
Your genius.
Our intention this weekend is for you women to feel your power shine from the inside out.
We will use ancient Tantric Rituals, embodiment practices, breath, sound and movement to get in touch with the depths within yourself.
To reclaim your strength, your radiance, and your untamed womanhood.
Your Pussy is the source of your super-power, and we are looking forward to welcoming you into this safe sisterhood circle to cleanse, re-awaken, remember and reclaim the power that lies within you.
We want you as a woman to feel the superpower that lives within you, and play with it together for a whole weekend, we can't wait.
Are you ready to tap into your authentic life-force energy and your power together with a group of women who will support and cheer you on in your full expression as a turned-on authentic woman?
We welcome you to start the new year in the most magnificent way, co-creating with other sisters in a safe & supporting circle.
Manifesting our dreams from the Pussy. YES, she knows the way.
About us:
Linn Bergskaug Carlsen an embodied Cyclical Queen.
She is a natural wild and untamed woman who has been studying Tantra, Sacred Sexuality and Embodiment for many years.
Breath,sound and movement is the pure balance in everything she does.
She is a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, and Certified Menstrual Cycle Coach.
Her biggest passion is to empower women to live in tune with their cycle and guide and support them to reach their health and wellness potential.
Her work is holistic, embracing the totality of what it is to be human, to be woman.
She supports, guides and inspires others to create a life in abundance, and by doing that living authentically. She weaves emotional healing, with Embodiment and mystical teachings from the many wisdom schools she has attended the last decade.
The way she shares her gifts is through Cyclical coaching, retreats, workshops and women's circles.
"Linn is a warm and wild woman who lives authentically and invites you to do the same"
Marthe Alva had her big awakening moment at age 21 when she traveled back to the Womb of Source. This was the shifting point. The Re-Birth. From that moment on she dedicated her life to study Shamanism and to heal.
She lived in the Amazon Jungle, became a mother. She has been an apprentice on the shamanic path Twisted Hairs, since 2007. Educated in Biodanza Heart In Motion, Womb Awakening, Theta Healing, Munay-Ki Rites, medicinal aromatherapy, Rites Of Passage & Tantra Therapy. Holding workshops and retreats worldwide since 2012.
She is the co-creator of the women's festival Sacred Womb Festival, held annually at Angsbacka in Sweden.
Alva is a visionary, a wild & warm woman with a fierce dedication to healing and authentic presence. She is a Dharma Dream Pilot with a driving force to birth a new world in harmony where we touch self, life and others with beauty and make our life a living prayer. www.marthealva.com
13th-15th of January
Friday 13th of january
18:00 - 21:00Saturday
14th of January
10:00 - 20:00
Sunday 15th of January
10:00 - 20:00
Tantrasenteret oslo
Location: Sagveien 28. 0459 OSLO
From Oslo city centre, take tram 11, 12 or 13 via Grünerløkka to Biermannsgate. Enter Biermannsgate, past Sagene school which is on the right hand side, cross the street, walk across the bridge by the large waterfall and you see us on the opposite side of the open space – 2 minutes from the tram stop.
Super Early Bird: 1888kr
Early Bird Price: 2555kr
Full Price: 3333
Ticket is non refundable.This is a non residential retreat.
With all our hearts, WELCOME
(just as you are!)
Alva & Linn
Tantrasenteret, Sagveien 28, 0459 Oslo
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Pussy Power ~Weekend retreat for women
Fra NOK 1.888,00
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