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MESH x Vertical presents: The bad, the good and the ugly - Working with corporates

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MESH x Vertical presents: The bad, the good and the ugly - Working with corporates

Fra NOK 0,00



22 jan 2016 kl. 14:00 - 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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MESH and Vertical invite you to an afternoon event about digital health and wellness. Together with our guest speakers, we will discuss how startup companies and large corporations can find unforeseen synergies and ways to work together. You can also get to know many startup in the digital health space.

We will round up the afternoon with our talkshow from 18:00. More info about that here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1670468093208773/

Kenneth Salonius, Co-founder & Head of Operations at Vertical
Carl Kallen, Country Head B2B Mobile at Samsung Electonics Nordics

And more TBC

- Apertus is developing and producing solutions for fall detection, fall prevention and technique training. Solutions are based on Apertus’ generic measurement and motion analysis platform. The solutions are context-aware specifically targeted at the problems to be solved. Solutions are built using Apertus’ sensor hardware technology, apps for Smartphones and Tablets and web/ cloud-solutions.

- MinMemoria is a digital memory book and a platform for social communication between relatives, health care personnel and dementia patients in nursing homes. The aim of MinMemoria is to maintain the patients identity, so each patient has their own profile where the relatives can write information about the patient and their life story, upload old and new photos and communicate with the personnel working with the patient in the nursing home. The nurses use MinMemoria on a tablet with the patient, to get to know the persons life story and to look at photos from their life, as well as updates from the family.

- No Isolation builds avatar robots for long-term sick children. The robot TOI will provide long-term sick children an opportunity to attend school. TOI is movable, contains a camera, a microphone and a speaker. It stands on the desk of the child, when the child can not attend themselves and it's "remote controlled" by the child in real time. With a keystroke on an iPad children can look around the classroom, follow the lesson and talk with their friends. Everything down to whispering with the person sitting next to participate in group projects.

More to be announced!

Vertical accelerator is a 4 month program that ignites digital health and wellness startups. In short, they help companies build and validate the product and find distribution partners for growth. At the end of the program they invest up to 150 000€ in the most promising startups that are participating in the accelerator.

Vertical works with industry leading partner companies that offer direct access to industry insight, cutting edge technology and global market outreach. They also have hand­picked a team of over 100 experts that will offer your team day­to­day mentorship and the best network out there.



MESH, Tordenskiolds gate 3, 0160 Oslo


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MESH x Vertical presents: The bad, the good and the ugly - Working with corporates

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